
Brief guide on how to setup the project.

Software you will need:
-Xampp for running MySQL database as a service.
-HeidiSQL for executing the database installation SQL queries.
-Visual Studio with .Net Core and Unity support.
-Unity 3D.

Server installation:
1. Make sure you have installed Visual Studio with .Net Core.
2. Make sure you have installed XAMPP and MySQL service is running.
3. Download server project files from GitHub and extract them to a folder.
4. Create the edws database and populate it with the SQL files found at Dist\SQL using HeidiSQL or any software of your choice.
5. At Dist\Config\Account.ini set AccountAutoCreate value to True.
6. Open EpicDragonWorldServer.sln and press F5 to run the server.

Client installation:
1. Make sure you have installed Unity.
2. Download client project files from GitHub and extract them to a folder.
3. Download all asset archives mentioned at GitHub readme file.
4. Extract all asset archives into Assets folder.
5. Run Unity and wait until all components are build.
6. You can now run the client and login.